Software Helping in Post Disaster Recovery

Clarinspect Helping With Post Disaster Recovery

The recent anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake takes us back to the beginnings of Clarinspect. The massive earthquake meant thousands of buildings and assets needed to be checked ASAP. It was clear surveyors needed software to do the heavy lifting for report writing. This was the catalyst for us to put all our efforts into the business.

Paper based surveys were being done in an ad-hoc fashion initially. Engineers and surveyors were having to write up reports late at night - this was not working, was inefficient and created a lot of stress.

App onsite was a game changer

Creating an app to do the work was a game changer and helped staff get through the survey list and give people more clarity on the status of their homes and assets.

Reports out much faster

Having software to speed up the ability to survey and report in times of natural disaster is essential. Clarinspect has been there for the Christchurch and Kaikoura earthquake assessments, and supported Auckland Council through the recent flooding. Our software was used by Structural Engineers, Civil engineers and building surveyors at these times assessing the condition of buildings, roading, bridges and other assets. Rapid assessments were changed for the situation at hand and then the team could get out in the field and get as many assets condition assessed as soon as they could.

A quick response by Clarinspect

The fact our software is highly configurable, means that questions can be added to ensure the important and relevant data is collected at these times. This enables our clients to respond rapidly to changing conditions.

Beautiful Christchurch today

It is heartwarming to look around our beautiful city and see how far it has come. The new design and the incorporation of the Otakaro / Avon river has been a massive improvement, along with the vibrant feel of our newly developed city centre and laneways.

It is good to see the city of Otautahi / Christchurch thriving but it is important to acknowledge those whose lives were forever changed from this event.

Kia Kaha

Isabel EnglishComment