Onboarding a new software - handy hints

Onboarding a new software - handy hints

When we engage with new clients we always ask about current productivity and output levels. Then we ask what their targets are, then what their lofty BHAG type targets are too. 

When embarking on a journey of implementing software it is good to look at your current practices. And consider the following points:

- What are the issues with the current system? 

- Where are the bottlenecks in production? 

- What parts of the process cause frustration for the team?

- Is there variation in the way different team members do things?

- What does your “Best practice” look like?

In a recent review meeting with one of our council teams we were thrilled to find out that they have tripled the amount of assets surveyed monthly since using Clarinspect. They are looking to reach the lofty targets they had set out to achieve. What a win! 

During the onboarding we discuss these things and build your “best practice" into the app and address the issues identified. A few small tweaks can lead to much higher outputs and a consistent, professional report/s for your clients.

Want to learn more? Please get in touch.

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