Rapidly document your Passive Fire/Smoke Elements

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Argest is NZ’s leading building warrant of fitness compliance management company with over 30 years experience with BWOF and Building in New Zealand. They offer a total building services package, providing expertise in building compliance management, fire system compliance and facilities management nationwide.

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Why Clarinspect?

The Auckland City Council recently called for all owners of existing buildings in their territory to locate their passive fire/smoke elements onto a floor plan so they are in the building's Compliance Manual for BWOF and Building Management Documentation.

Malcolm Christie, the Passive Fire Program manager at Argest, had worked with Clarinspect for other inspection purposes. He decided to approach Clarinspect to create another app and report designed specifically to locate passive fire/smoke elements in a building onto a floor plan.

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Getting Argest Inspecting

Clarinspect was able to come up with a solution for Malcolm and Argest’s needs after discussing what was needed to meet both the council’s requirements and Malcolm's own specifications to get the job done well.

Once Clarinspect had a clear idea of what was required, we moved on to develop the first prototype of the app.

Clarinspect then established the best design to assist Malcolm onsite, which involved managing a tremendous amount of data…

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